Friday, July 25, 2008


As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember


Sandi said...

Uncle Lynn, For some reason, when I think of a memory of you, it is the trip my Mom and Inez and I took to your house in Gallup, NM when I was about 15 years old. As many trips as I have been on in my life, it seems odd that I would remember that trip in particular. I remember driving around with you and seeing the city, I remember that I found out that you drove a truck for a living. I didn't know that before that trip. I remember that trip with fondness, but no particular details. In addition to that, you jokes, our cruise, and our great political talks on line.

Linsey said...

Uncle Lynn, I remember coming to your house when I was a kid and playing with legos. My brothers never let me play with their legos, but your boys were older and more willing to share. Then we went out to dinner at Marie Calendar's and I had the biggest piece of strawberry pie I had ever seen. You and Auntie RaNae were always so kind to me and my siblings and we really enjoyed visiting you.

Anonymous said...

Lynn: There was more than one occasion when we headed towards Springville and/or Spanish Fork to find us a couple of girls. This was always in your auto because I never owned one until a week after I got discharged from the army in 1952. Sometimes we had success and other times we didn't. If not we'd come back to Provo and usually end up in the Regal Bowling Alley. If not Regals to Lou Hills for an order of fries and a milkshake.

Kent B.