Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Testimony of Leadership

Isn't in wonderful that the Lord always provides us with leadeship in all of the affairs of the Church? We have suffered a great loss with the passing of President Hinkley but know that he will be replaced with the man the Lord wants to take up the mantle of leadership as our next President. It will undoubtedly be President Monson but a new Apostle will also have to be called. We know that these choices are not random. They are done by divine inspiration just as the choice of Mathias was made when the original twelve had to be made whole after the passing of Judas Iscariot. It wasn't a popularity choice, lots were cast by the eleven Apostles and through divine inspiration, it was a 100% choice. It will be the same now as these new callings are made. I've been fortunate enough to have witnessed these divine callings through 10 Church Presidents (including the next one). What a blessing it has been to me. During their callings, each Prophet has made a change that was needed in the growth of the Church. I'll not enumerate them but we know how significant each was. This is my Testimony. I know that we are led by men and women called of God.


Anonymous said...


Sandi said...

Thank you for your testimony. I loved President Hinckley and I know I will love our next prophet as well.